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How Clenbuterol Boosts Weight Loss and Bodybuilding Goals

After you get loads of information on a drug craze like clenbuterol, especially on how it’s used by athletes, bodybuilders and even celebrities, your sense of curiosity may have got loose and you want to know more about this wonder drug medication. For instance you may want to know the drug actually helps to generate weight loss and to boost bodybuilding muscles for your body. This article will attempt to do just that so you should read on.

Created for one thing but ended up being popular for another

We always tend to think that whenever a substance is created by scientific experts, we are convinced that they were so thorough in their research on their subject that we are convinced that what they created was for a specific condition or conditions and for no other.

So we are surprised when we hear that their creation of clenbuterol changed purpose along the way from a treatment of asthma to a popular booster for athletic performance, bodybuilding and even acting performance after celebrities joined the “clen” club.

There’s no doubt that as a bronchodilator clenbuterol is a very efficacious and highly potent treatment for people who suffer from breathing irregularities such as asthma. However even more people are viewing the drug the perfect treatment for other aspirations.

Many people today regard clenbuterol as a very powerful burner of fat and when getting rid of excess fat especially from the torso the finding naturally spreads fast, far and wide.

So what has happened is that while clenbuterol was created as an effective treatment for breathing problems, it has instead become a household name for a totally different purpose than why it was created in the first place.

Clenbuterol is also known as Clen HCL or simply as “Clen” and basically its popularity as a booster for bodybuilding and athletic performance is based on two of its boosting qualities. It protects lean muscle mass that’s already achieved and it also gets rid of body fat.

It should be noted here that clenbuterol hasn’t lost its purpose as a bronchodilator for treating people with breathing problems such as asthma. However it has become very popular as a booster for athletes and bodybuilders and its original purpose has been overshadowed by subsequent events.

How does clenbuterol actually work?

Clenbuterol is one of those drugs that despite its serious side effects, its popularity in the areas already mentioned has skyrocketed and has managed to hold onto its popularity despite its disadvantages.

The things that it actually does as an enhancing and boosting drug treatment are listed below:

Improvement of Metabolism

Health experts maintain that slow metabolism is primarily responsible for people to gain weight and by virtue of its nature, clen can assist in addressing this problem.

It’s known as a Beta-2 agonist drug, which makes it a bit similar to salbutamol. By possessing these features clen may be regarded as a highly potent treatment for breathing irregularities.

What The Beta -2 agonist receptors do is they stimulate adenylyl cyclase activity which results in the relaxation of the smooth muscle in the bronchioles.

Because of its influence on the Beta-2 receptors, the drug actually induces an increase in metabolic activity. This in turn uses fat for fuel triggering the onslaught of weight loss through the loss of fat.

 Clenbuterol can also increase a resting metabolic rate which literally means that your body is able to burn fat day and night. A most welcomed opportunity for weight watchers.

Enhanced stimulation

This pro quality is connected to performance and strength. Whichever way you look at it clenbuterol is a substance or drug that stimulates whatever it acts upon into action.

It has a high stimulating potency with a long half-live which simply means that its potency in the body can remain active for a long time after being ingested into the body.

You’d be correct to say that clen doesn’t only stimulate the Beta-2 receptors but it also impacts the central nervous system. With these stimulating abilities clenbuterol is able to boost your energy levels and also enhance your endurance while training.

Improvement of performance

Clenbuterol has the proven ability of improving performance and that it also provides a boost of strength to users. This is the main reason why the drug has become so popular with athletes.

As a bronchodilator, clenbuterol also facilitates smooth airflow into the bodies of those using it in doing so it increases the amount of oxygen that’s available in the blood.

This ultimately means that the user will experience enhanced strength, endurance and of course, better performance.

Evidence is also available to suggest that clenbuterol may also promote a faster recovery from workouts and injuries.

Suppression of Appetite

It’s a forgone conclusion that if we consume too much food we can expect that in the end we will become overweight and we will inevitably become obese.

However if we manage to curb our appetites, we can actually regulate and control the amount of excessive fat that exist in our bodies.

What clenbuterol can also do is suppress our appetites and actually make us lose the cravings that we normally experience. What it does is it can actually reduce our excessive cravings for the amount and types food we are fond of. This extreme case doesn’t apply to everyone but it does affect many people.

Increase of lean muscle mass

Clenbuterol is highly efficient when it comes to burning fat a process which bodybuilders refer to as to shred or “cut” the fats that can potentially accumulate when a person uses other medications to enhance muscle growth.

Lean mass is often associated with the “chiseled” impression of bodybuilders who usually display impeccable vascularity when they are in active bodybuilding mode.

Some fear that other cutting supplements may actually result in the loss of muscle. But clenbuterol is different and unique.

It can actually retain muscle massthat’s already attained while at the same time, it’s also burning fat. There’s still uncertainty as to how clen can retain existing muscle mass but it has been suggested that greater retention of muscle mass already existing may be enhanced by caloric restriction.

On the other hand, clenbuterol has been found to actually increase muscle mass, but at a slower rate than anabolic steroids. According to research, it may directly stimulate the synthesis of muscle protein via some other mechanisms.

Increased lipolysis

When fatty acids are released in the body it means that the process of lipolysis has taken place which involves the breaking down of fats and other fatty substances by hydrolysis. These end products (fatty acids) are subsequently used by the body as energy.

Clenbuterol is able to boost the process of lipolysis by triggering the PDA activity that involves the hormone-sensitive lipase and perilipin mediate sipolysis.

Heat generation

The impact of clenbuterol is significant when heat generation is the subject of discussion. It can actually increase body temperature which is generally referred to as the thermogenic effect.

When clenbuterol is taken, it increases metabolic activity that triggers the mitochondria to increase heat production in the cells of the body.

The entry of the drug may cause the temperature of the body to rise by about 1 degree. The increase in temperature is ideal for the efficient burning of fat.

Conclusion This article has tried to highlight and clarify the way by which clenbuterol actually performs in boosting weight loss and bodybuilding in athletes. There are perhaps many other sporting activities that are performed with the help of clenbuterol but the three main groups of people who have come out and admitted their fondness for the drug have been mentioned but we suspect other groups will eventually appear to sound their use and approval of the drug booster.