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Why is Clenbuterol so Popular for weight Loss and Bodybuilding

There are many drug medications that were created for a particular purpose but ultimately ended up being popular for something else entirely different from the original intention. Originally, drug medication clenbuterol was intended was made to provide relief for people suffering from breathing disorders such as asthma as a very potent bronchodilator. It turned out that instead, the medication became highly popular for reducing weight and bodybuilding. Read on to find out more.

The powerful fat burner

If you’ve been looking for a drug medication that can literally burn the fat off your body, look no further. Here is exactly the medication you’ve dreamed of and make no mistake about it’s a very powerful fat burner.

Its reputation as a colossal fat burner has traveled worldwide from the U.S. and back again.

The mere mention of its name conjures up images in people’s minds of its enormous capacity to shed fat instead of an effective treatment as an effective bronchodilator that makes people breathe easier again.

It’s popularly known by its short name Clen and has found its way into the bodybuilding niche, delighting aspiring bodybuilders with its now recognized ability of actually burning fat without losing body mass.

How does this wonder drug work? How can it enhance the ability to lose weight? How can it dovetail with cutting? This article will try and provide answers for these valid questions.

Improving metabolism is the keynote factor

Many people both professional and lay believe that sedentary lifestyle means slow metabolism which leads to weight gain. Clen works in the opposite direction as a Beta-2 agonist just as salbutamol does.

Of all things it’s by virtue of its Beta-2 receptors, that it promotes metabolic activity by inducing adenylyl cyclase activity which relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchioles, the smallest air sacs in your lungs.

This is how it became an effective bronchodilator in the first place. By acting on the Beta-2 receptors it initiates greater metabolic activity and hence the use of body fat as energy thereby promoting weight loss.

The higher metabolic resting rate which it can also enhance means that the body can continuously burn fat 24/7.

Generation of heat

This medication also increases body temperature by as much as 1 degree to produce what is popularly known as the thermogenic effect. It may not sound much, but it definitely adds impetus to efficient fat burning.

Lipolysis is also boosted

What is this? In a nutshell it’s the process of breaking down fats and lipids that result in the release of fatty acids which are again used by your body as energy.

What Clen does is boost lipolysis by inducing joint activity of the protein kinase A (PKA), a hormone sensitive lipase and lipolysis. All this means that more fat is being broken down and again used as energy fuel by your body.

A boost in lean muscle mass

This is the main reason that has spurred the popularity of Clen with bodybuilders with its reputation of being able to burn fat by shredding or “cutting” fats.

Otherwise these accumulated fats from the use of other substances for inducing muscles to grow would tarnish the “chiseled” look and colossal vascularity that emerges when all body fat has been “cut”.

Bodybuilders use cutting supplements to cut excess fat as they gain muscle mass but some worry that these supplements may actually cause the loss of muscle as well.

This is where Clenbuterol is unique in its ability to retain muscle mass while burning fat at the same time but there is another amazing difference between Clen and other drug medications.

Up to now scientists have yet to unravel the mechanism that safeguards the breakdown and therefore loss of muscles.

Nevertheless, research studies point out that the preservation of muscle from using the drug may be further strengthened by the minimizing the intake of calories.

Clenbuterol on the other hand actually boosts lean muscle mass, even though not by as much as that gained by anabolic steroids.

Nevertheless, according to research, Clen may actually induce the synthesis of muscle protein through the use of mTOR-dependent mechanism.

Suppressing the hunger surge

Overeating is one of the main causes of excessive weight and obesity that needs to be controlled and Clenbuterol can also help in addressing the issue.

It can positively suppress cravings of the appetite especially in decreasing the desire for food, but unfortunately not everyone who takes is will experience the ability to suppress food cravings.

Researchers attribute this ability to suppress food craving to the effect that Clenbuterol has on the beta2-adrenergic system.

Performance enhancement

Athletes in particular also take drug medication Clenbuterol to capitalize on its ability to enhance performance on track and field events. How? It simply boosts their physical strength.

Let’s not forget that this medication is also a bronchodilator that facilitates airflow into your body resulting in the availability of more oxygen for body use.

This renewed surge in oxygen supply invigorates bodily metabolism as well as added strength and endurance, which ultimately results in better performance.

Another special feature of Clen of being able to induce faster recovery from workouts and injuries has been supported by the results of research studies.

Enhanced stimulation

In addition to the benefits already discussed, Clenbuterol is also an active stimulant by its ability to increase strength and performance.

One of the reasons why this is so is its stimulating potency and also, its half-life is of long duration which means it can remain active in the body over a long period of time after being ingested.

Clenbuterol can stimulate both the Beta-2 receptors and the central nervous system and in doing so succeeds in boosting you energy levels as well as your endurance during training sessions.

Bottom line When you are provided with the kind of information that this article gives, you are bound to ask in wonder how this drug medication can do so much by simply acting on things like the Beta-2 receptors as well as your central nervous system, not to mention the ability to make breathing easier for people with breathing complications. It’s no wonder that the popularity of Clen has continued to remain strong with athletes and bodybuilders.